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Anonymous Idol Fan · 1mo

What is your favorite pic you have drawn so far?

Anonymous Idol Fan · 1mo

since your banner is ShioMia, what's your fav part of them as a ship?

I like the idea that Mia can kind of double as Shioriko's caretaker and vice versa! shioriko's my favorite autistic woman, so i think someone like mia who is more... more.. not that.. goes really well with her. shioriko's someone who's going to remind mia to eat while she's grinding away at her music, scold her when she doesn't take care of herself, mia's someone who's going to explain when something goes over her head. i guess just "they're supportive of each other" lol

Anonymous Idol Fan · 1mo

if you could write a manga or an anime, what would it be about?

i think it'd be featuring my ocs and their story :) either:
a. gore sex fest with angst and a happy ending
b. horror fantasy

no inbetween

Anonymous Idol Fan · 1mo

when you go to get something to drink, what do you usually get?

dont really get drinks anymore, we have our own nespresso machine :) strawberry nesquik powder + soy milk + 2-3 shots and a little bit of sf vanilla syrup is the best thing ever

Anonymous Idol Fan · 1mo

do you have a favorite snack?

simply white cheddar cheetos. i have eaten 10 bags of those in the last 2 months i think

Anonymous Idol Fan · 1mo

what's your favorite thing to draw?

Anonymous Idol Fan · 1mo

how'd you get so good at drawing?

thank you for the compliment! i'm always doing my best to get better! there's still lots of things i cant draw. i've been drawing for a long while, but i learn a little slow... just consistently doing it, using references and practicing!!!

Anonymous Idol Fan · 3mo

HAIIIII!!! i ws wondering… if u were an idol, what would u want ur image or persona to be like ?

HI !! :]]] i think if i were to be an idol, my whole thing would be the ~ idol otaku ~ one. lots of flowers and pinks and probably a bunny motif thrown in somewhere ...

Anonymous Idol Fan · 5mo

Hmm, I’d have to ask…what are your favorite pieces you’ve done so far and I recently saw the Iruma and Ameri pieces! They’re so cute! Hoping there’s gonna be more for this month since Valentine’s Day and love is in the air! :3

hi anon!!! i'm glad to hear you like the iruma and ameri :] hopefully planning to get something out for vday in between comms. my favorite pieces ive done so far... some of them arent from here but let me reply to this post w/ them ^_^

Anonymous Idol Fan · 5mo

I love your work, specially hairy tummies and burps. Do you enjoy other idol works like im@s, zombieland saga or selection project?

hello!!!! thank you so much!! :]] i enjoy im@s a lot! not too big on the other two, but the characters are cute! :)

Anonymous Idol Fan · 6mo

hi!!! how was ur day? any plans/anything special happening?

hii anon! :) my day's going okay so far... trying to draw today! nothing special going on today, just working on commissions and hoping to get some personal art done... i hope youre doing good!!!!!

Anonymous Idol Fan · 7mo

hi ! how r u? ? :3 what are u eating for dinnar?

hiii!! i'm doin alright today... for dinner it is homemade mapo tofu!!!!!! (girl who may or may not have made it a little 2 spicy . )

Anonymous Idol Fan · 7mo

burning question: which idols (any series) do you think would have a tamagotchi and how good/into it would they be? Also hope you feel better soon!!!!

Anonymous Idol Fan · 7mo

hii !!! how r u? did u have a good day? any characters u want to draw soon on ur freetime?

HIII!! my day has been . decent . there are things that have been angering me all day today n i don't feel too great physically but i'm still trying to be productive!!!!! and get some stuff done!!! i'm hoping to draw kaho soon... and generally, more of you know who (iykyk) !!! i hope youre doing well anon!!! <3

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