Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Incognito Holmes · 9mo

So…Hi? I’m a new comer in this page, actually. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to stalk your profile and to be very honest, i’ve been seeing you walk to and fro around my timeline few times since months ago. And I really want to… get closer and be friend with you? Sebenarnya tweet fcv kamu nongol di timeline aku lagi, tapi sayangnya mutual aku gak ada yang ngequote kamu jadi aku gak ada kesempatan buat drop myself there karena aku malu kalau tiba-tiba gitu HEE— (sweats.) maaf kalau cupu gini jadinya malah dropping myself ke retro kamu. (masih malu.)💧

Hello, angel. Please do approach me so we can be friends. Jangan malu-malu ya, kamu saya tunggu. 😂

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