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Anonymous Coward · 1mo

Hello, I’ve been reading through your K3 Q&A blog and when Masada talked a potential second Throne (?) that existed outside the current one (Avesta through Zoar). Is this Masada saying there was a second Throne that Merc use to beat Nerose or a second universe? The wording is a little bit confusing if you don’t mind me asking.
“If that was to happen, it would signify the existence of a Divine Throne that grasped (created) such alternate universes, which would lead to a war between the two. ”

The way I see it, it means that this alternate universe has to come from the Throne itself. Luckily, we've learned a little bit more since then (and I do mean "a little"): the main reason behind Sata-san's downfall seems to be his inability to stop considering the alternative, the potential present where he was not the one who took the Throne. And, being a new god and the universal rule, that alternative universe came to be from his own powers (and then Merc slipped into Zoar, making Sata-san admit defeat knowing his rule is not the only possible one). Basically, I'm still waiting for those ParaLost side-stories, Masada!

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