Anon Seed Thief · 18d

What animals would you give to the rest of the fontaine cast? it can be "real" animal or more fantastic if you prefer

Well so...
Neuvillette: I see him being a cat person, so a cat with white fur, or... I can see a Sphynx cat for him too. If a dog, it would be a Tazi dog (hello Tanit ~)
Furina: A white Maine coon cat.
Navia: A Ball Python or an Iguana.
Clorinde: An Australian Shepherd.
Lyney: A parrot. Probably a big, colorful one like an Ara. Or a Rainbow lorikeet.
Lynette: An alley cat she adopted.
Freminet: An Axolotl.
Chevreuse: Something really cops-like, a Malinois.

And I don't see animals for Sigewinne, Charlotte, Emilie or Arlecchino.

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