Cryptic Creature · 10mo

HIII I know this is completely out of nowhere and I'm literally Just now finding your account, but I just want to say I hope you have the best life ever. You seem so nice, so pleasant to be around. I wish I could talk with you on a public account but I have rlly bad anxiety. But anyway, you remind me a lot of this on person I used to hold really dear to me. She was amazing. AND you have a Vil pfp WHICH IS JUST ITS PERFECT You are perfect... you are everything I could ever ask for in a human being.

Hi! Sorry I'm late getting to this. You're actually the first person to ever send me something on Retrospring, haha.

Thank you for the kind words. I'm glad you enjoy my account but I can understand the anxiety. Truth is I'm super awkward and quiet irl and kinda withdrawn. But I try to be nice and not seem rude.

But anyways thank you and hope you are having a good day/time/idk/ sorry I'm so awkward lol.

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