Cryptic Creature · 10mo

I keep typing cuz URRGHSJKDFHKJDSF you just seem like such a cool person I wanna bug you >w>

HISUAIN SAMUROTT AND RESHIRAM IN UR FAVORITE POKEMON LIST IS AWESOME !! My first Pokemon game was Pokemon Black and I chose OshawotT!! I only played a couple games after that (X, Omega Ruby, Moon)

Also I think I said this in dms BUT YOUR ART IS SO PRETTY..... I'm going to eat all of it >_>

Anyway conclusion you are awesome you are valid you are NOT TOO OLD to yumeship!! Keep being you!!

(just going to reply to this message for all 3)

Yeah we seem to have a lot in common. I loved Pokemon Black and White and Oshawott was also my first starter in it, though now I lean more towards Snivy-Seperior. Samurott is still awesome and underrated. Reshiram was at one point my #1 favorite Pokemon but I can never pick an actual favorite anymore so I just have like eerrr 100 instead.

Thank you so much about my art! I don't always feel very confident about it, so I'm happy when people say they love it.

And I feel the same way about the pro/anti discourse. Grown adults going on about it all the time is tiring. But also some self described antis have concerning behavior. Like shaming themselves for having crushes on some fictional characters? That's just sad. And you have the kind who are like, "Omg these characters have a 2 year age gap, that's pedophilia!" and "That character is too short, they're basically child-coded!" But then there's some self-identified pro-shippers who are like, "Yes, it's okay to sexualize a fictional newborn if you want! There's nothing wrong with it because they aren't real. :) " And I'm just Sexualizing characters that are visually little children is crossing a line to me. Will I harass people for that? No, plus I hate confrontation. But I've definitely blocked people over it, and for supporting people who do it and don't have an issue. For me, it has less to do with whether it's fictional or not, but what is going on with that person's mind to make them look at a tiny fictional child/baby and be...into that. It doesn't sit right with me and never will. I'm sure there's people who'd call me judgmental for that, but I think it's completely normal to judge that lol.

I just judge on a case-by case basis. But I also have to worry about the outspoken "antis" coming for me for my yumeships and thinking Vil is hot. But I've also come across some really...weird and uncomfortable "pro-shippers. Fandoms are just scary in general sometimes.

And I can kinda feel you with people having bad takes over Epel. I see all kinds of bad takes over Vil too and it makes me hesitant to interact with some people. Even just having differing headcanons can be like...really awful to some people so I have to tread carefully I feel.

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