Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Coward · 1d

I’ve been thinking since you posted about former prostitute Kanata headcanon. Nayuta not knowing the depths of what his brother does for his sake, but it comes back to bite him when someone tries to get the same from Nayuta as he’s on a walk… and that’s how the pieces come together as Nayuta’s being forced upon 😭 I don’t know how you’d feel about this but that’s where my mind went 😵‍💫

I swear I saw someone say smth similar before with mob×nayuta 🤔 this is the less fluffy and cute version of a fanart I saw of cats surrounding Kanata bc they thought he was Nayuta and Nayuta had been giving them snacks 😂

It'd be good if Nayuta is mistaken for him in the same way
Mob×Nayuta...Mob×Nayuta.... I wouldn't think it was hot but I'd probs look at it LOL ...I don't want Mobs with Anne or Dongha either 🤔

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