Someone · 1y

How are you feeling about people fueling Irena's recent character development? From what I gather, she started off as a simple oc for porn but with connection to your overall concept of the pale, and I cant imagine you had any crazy plans for her from the start (unless you did, if so then bravo), but people asking about her kids and then people wanting her to have a decent relationship with her doberman daughter leading to you about to maybe reveal some intense backstory is a pretty intense change of pace

I think it's fun! I've had Irena stuff planned for a long time, and it's nice having things culminate to this one point. There are some parts that I wish I could've done differently, but I think it plays toward the concept of the pale anyway, so I'm happy with where we're at!
Like, you guys help set the pace. You could easily turn away from opening Irena's backstory if you all wanted, and I'd follow you!

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