Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

dogpound creatuer · 6mo

Why’d you interact with a 17 year old? Not accusing you of anything ofc, just kinda weird to not follow your own DNI

who was the 17 year old? youre free to message me and send me a post, or just post the username here (if you post the username here, i will not be able to respond to that answer though)
i wasnt aware that i had interacted with a minor

(edit after you told me who they were) I do remember interreacting with them. a mutual had quote tweeted them on their sfw account and i didnt think to check for the persons age. thats my bad, ive blocked them now. thank you for bringing it to my attention, ill be more diligent of that in the future

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