Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Darling. · 9mo

Hi, Mars. May I know the difference between the subtle tweeting as your free cherry on top and the PDA listed as paid add-ons? Thanks!

Good evening, darling. Pardon me for just checking the mailbox and if I'm being honest, the question is kinda taking me of guard (in a nice way) as I was initiated to announce the change on my service on the upcoming week. Thank you for noticing it first, dear. The difference is there will be no media posted for the subtle one and no name mentioned if I didn't have your consent. As for the amount of the tweet, I could assure you it'll probably only by three to four tweets. I hope this is enough to answer your question, yet if it don't, then feel free to shoot another, I will be mor than happy to answer. (Winks.)

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