Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Darling. Β· 9mo

uh oh, is that... jung sungchan on your profile picture..? find it cute in a good way considering that all of your listed fc(s) are somehow radiating big men energy then boom! a new youthful boy in town. you can fit many different characters, i think πŸ˜„

Surprise, surprise. πŸ‘€ Thanks a bunch for noticing, I find it exciting to learn how to embody a new character and convey it to my lover, it's a fun challenge as I believe love has no limit, so does musing someone. (Obviously as long as I am given the time to learn some bits about them.) (So, trying not to sound cocky, but, try me? πŸ˜‰)

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