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Anonymous Coward · 2mo

Based on Michelle's, Sera's, and Suki's descriptions, what would each of them most likely say and/or do IF a boy hugged them (his face buried in their lovely cleavage, and arms around their rounded hips) while they were happily dancing at a night club?

Michelle would be surprised, Suki would be angry and Sera would probably be down with it. ;)

Anonymous Coward · 4mo

How would Michelle, Sera, and Suki react to them doing a twerking dance for on your lap. They have to do it no matter what.

Anonymous Coward · 4mo

Hi Snow, long time no see What would do if you saw a voodoo balloon in real life?


Hmm… I would be very confused but curious on who the victim is (may fill it up just a bit to see how they turn out). :0

Anonymous Coward · 8mo

Michelle gets surrounded by heliobots, is she scared there gonna make her float away or would she react?

She can’t do much if they catch her and pumped her up.

All she’s gonna do is balloon up while listening to them saying the word ‘big’ repeatedly over and over again xD

Anonymous Coward · 9mo

Sera vs Sera (me) in a Resident Evil versus match

Anonymous Coward · 9mo

Sera and an exact clone of herself (but with purple hair😆) make out with each other, with Clone Sera against a wall and Sera fondling Clone Sera's breasts.🔥❤ If a boy saw it and hugged Sera while fondling Sera's breasts, how would the situation play out [in terms of Sera and her clone]?

Normal Sera would be surprised.

I’m guessing clone Sera would be more turned on :v

Anonymous Coward · 9mo

Where does Suki get the funds for her inflation antics?

Anonymous Coward · 9mo

Hey sera, care to bounce on my space hopper in this bunny suit I have??

Anonymous Coward · 9mo

Ooh boy, SAID boy would be INFLATED and post tied by Suki, THEN she would continue making out with Sera.😂❤😈
However, how would Sera and Suki each most likely respond to the "hugging" situation BEFORE Suki inflates the boy?🤔

Anonymous Coward · 9mo

Sera and Suki make out with each other, with Suki against a wall and Sera fondling Suki's breasts.❤🔥 If a boy slightly shorter than them saw it and hugged Sera from behind while fondling Sera's breasts, how would the entire situation play out [in terms of Sera and Suki]?🤔

Anonymous Coward · 9mo

Since Deviant Art is updating there policies,are you concerned that your account will be taken down?

Anonymous Coward · 9mo

If a balloon pops in Suki's lair, and she isn't around to hear it, do they still make a sound?

Anonymous Coward · 9mo

Had a dream where Suki inflates me and start flirting with me (made my face super red)

Anonymous Coward · 9mo

How many helium tanks does Suki use to inflate her victims ?

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