a twerp · 4d

im new what is tully im infatuated please info dump

clears throat. to keep it brief, Tully is the main character of my OC universe/upcoming webcomic called Jarnsaxa. He's a jittery, pissy, super genuis (like rick sanchez levels) that was tortured mentally physically AND sexually since he was born in Area 51. a lot of shit went down and he escaped and landed on a moon called Jarnsaxa that has a motel on it,, the motel is full of fun and odd critters that he gets found family with :) he sets up a lab in this motel and makes a ton of crazy inventions but his main goal is to find his home planet which is assumed to be destroyed making him the last of his species whilst dealing mentally with shit that went down in Area 51 (this brings him and his weird motel friends on epic adventures through space but with a borderline devastating and crippling plot im talking evangelion levels) he's also essentially the smartest living creature in the universe which sounds op but it's just an excuse for me to make anything possible. he's based on tardigrades :)) and if you must know he was genetically engineered and brainwashed to be a accustomed to sexual situations due to humans using him for breeding other aliens and this gets him in a lot of shenanigans,,, this is all i can think of rn im so tired but my partner is working on the site and the first couple pages are in my head so uhhh Jarnsaxa coming soon buy tickets now

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