Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymittens 💕 · 1mo

Omg hihihi!!!!!! I just wanted to say real quick that I love your writing so so much and I’ve read a lot but my absolute favorite thing that you’ve ever written is your little oneshot where Minho got pregnant and broke up with Chan but didn’t tell him and Chan comes back and finds out. It just tugs at my angsty heart in all the right ways!!!!! I’m such a fan of exes to lovers. Any plans for something else like that? (No pressure, I just love you and your writing so much!!!)

see, mittens, i have a whole storyline and a reason (a very good one) why minho hid his pregnancy and then jeongin for five entire years but my brain is just so oversaturated with an entire host of other things i don't know when i can get back to it so that i can put it into writing and flesh it out TT but what i will tell you is that they resolve it, chan gets to watch jeongin grow up, and minchan get married, mated, and have another baby (a girl this time bc minchan as girl dads are so special to me) and live happily ever after <33

also, thank you so, so much for enjoying my writing, mittens, it really does mean the world to me <33

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