Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Brighten · 7mo

Kalian sebel ga sih kalo di mirip miripin sm org lain? kek mirip vibesnya atau typingnya dikit lgsg di blg mirip si itu deh blabla. kek nyebelin bgt ga sih? sebel bgt di mirip miripin org trs, kan ga smua org suka di mirip miripin apalg kalo ga tau latar org yg di miripin ke kta. mnurut klian gmn?

Yeah, it can be really annoying to be constantly compared to other people, especially when the comparison is just based on small things like vibes or typing style. Not everyone likes to be compared, especially if they don't know much about the person they're being compared to. It can make us feel undervalued or like our uniqueness isn't recognized.

In my opinion, it's important to respect each person's differences and individuality. If we feel uncomfortable with being compared, it's okay to express our feelings politely to those who make the comparisons. They might not realize that it bothers us.

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