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Iyo. · 4 answers · 5mo

Selamat siang, gimana setengah hari di weekend nya?

Selamat siang, Iyo. Maaf telat balas. Jujur, lumayan ya hari ini. Kamu sendiri kayak gimana?

Mikkaela. · 6 answers · 5mo

hai hai, mikkatuals! 🫵

how's your friday? ada cerita apa aja nih hari ini?

Hi, Mikkaela! I'm sorry for being slow. My Friday went well, but nothing special happened sih. I came home early, and there was really nothing special. How about you?

Lullica Viennete. · 14 answers · 5mo

Hi guys, any plans for this weekend?

Minette Amaryllis. · 15 answers · 5mo

guys, jangan lupa ya malam ini keliling. aku yang jaga lilin sambil nunggu kalian setoran. 🙏🏻

Minette Amaryllis. · 19 answers · 5mo

whats your comfort food?

Hello there. I’m sorry for being turtle. My comfort food is tahu crispy cabe garam.

Lullica Viennete. · 5mo

Hi, can u give me a follback? Thank you.

Eren · 1 answer · 5mo

Biasanya kalo hujan deras, paling suka makan/minum apa?

Biasanya kalau lagi hujan deras, suka makan mie kuah. Kalau minum yang bukan air mineral agak jarang… palingan minum air mineral biasa aja

Anonymous Coward · 5mo

hello mika! have a great day juga ya :3

Anonymous Coward · 5mo

what's your fave food and why you choose it as ur fave food? 🤔

Honestly, I don't have a specific favorite food. I eat everything I want. But if there's an option, and the option is between Ayam Goreng or Bebek Goreng, I'd like to choose Bebek Goreng

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