Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Coward · 5mo

I haven't watched the Boys but I feel sorry for Supers, they have to be entertainers AND heroes, they must have little time for themselves so Yg being "intimate" with Jk must be really something. Can Yg be their soft safe place? like Yg sincerely telling Jk he did a good job saving people despite the property damage complaints, or make basic home cooked meals that the supers hadn't eaten in a long time bc they're away from home and their diet is either take-out or diet-regulated (ratatouille inspired :))

well, it wasn't cooking for their diets but yg did "cook" for 2 of them so far XD when I got this ask I was like woah they know!! if yg were to do anything soft, he would totally be pretending. I didnt intend to make this story fluffy, though since I want it to be interactive, who knows! he'll grow closer to jk, and he might act like jk could trust him but since I have no game plan, anything can happen!
also I recommend the show (NOT the comic)! its exactly how you state it, theyre always shooting movies or commercials or doing interviews, they barely have time to think!

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