Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Coward · 5mo

That whole thing about milk and not having a family it makes me think about Jk seeing those families that he always saves and he's envious because he wants to have that too, so the idea of getting his beloved Yg pregnant is starting to seem very tempting....sorry if this seems like too much but yk is ride or die 😂

i actually never understood HLs longing for parents, on a logical basis, he wouldn't be who he is if he had a normal childhood so i guess if he was willing to give up his fame, and maybe his powers overall. So i did want jk to be a little different, he doesnt yearn for parents or wish he wasnt raised in the lab and given these powers, he just wants a connection. mothers bond with their babies while breastfeeding, siblings grow up together, a romantic partner holds the strongest connection. so what he wants from yg is basically that, he wants to feel things he never got the chance to. everyone around him so far has been scientists, coworkers, no one important to him, until yg picked him out that one night.
i also loveee breeding LMAO so thats definitely something to store away for later!

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