Anonymous Coward · 11mo

how do you think you're doing relative to a year ago?

it's a little complicated I guess, on some things I'm doing significantly better, on others significantly worse, sadly.
first. I've moved out of my parents place, which has been a huge improvement for my ability to express myself how I want and be myself.
second. I've found some people that I find an extreme amount of joy spending time with, which has made me incredibly happy.
and third, I've made a lot of progress on discovering myself, and figuring out exactly what I want from my identity and life.

now for the bad part, the things that are going worse is first that school has been quite stressful, because now if I get kicked out it means I have to go back to living with my parents, where as before nothing would have changed, since I was already living with them. and second, because I have seen how much better things are now, I also see how much further there still is to go before I get to a life situation I'd be sorta happy with, and that knowledge has itself put a large strain on my mental health, just due to the fear that I wont be able to make it to that. plus it makes the fear of losing what I've gained quite strong, and all of this has caused quite a few mental health issues for me.

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