Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Whoever this is · 12mo

did you get any backlash from tornada? saw one of their animators later got called out for being inappropriate and it seems it died down but there are still references now and then to it. you dodged a bullet by not covering them, though one of their worse associates pretty much nuked his online papertrail so nobody could do so to him.

Not really, shortly after the Maxi video came out, some of the Tornada staff did reach out to me and we had a Discord VC about the Maxi situation and talked things out. We both understood where each other was coming from and ended things off on a peaceful note.

Also, I think I know who are you talking about but I have not seen anything about the drama. So I am not sure what he got in trouble for exactly.

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