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Rotton Forgotten
I draw fat girls

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Anonymoose · 2mo

Does Aria like the weight she gains from eating fans?

She likes to think of it as a final thank you from her fans.
She also admittedly likes when her boobs get bigger

Anonymoose · 8mo

is Maika still a good swimmer?

Despite her size, Maika is still a good swimmer. Most people are surprised with how fast she moves

Anonymoose · 8mo

What does Maika do for a living?

Anonymoose · 8mo

Does Sera ever wish she was taller?

She finds it one of her Charm Points.

She also loves when her Father picks her up and hugs her

Anonymoose · 8mo

What's the most embarrassing thing to happen to Sera?

She'd never admit it, but no one showing up to her 8th birthday party before Maika showed up

Anonymoose · 8mo

Where does Lyra live?

Anonymoose · 8mo

What does Maika want for her birthday?

Anonymoose · 8mo

If Lyra and Mira were to meet, would they get along?

Lyra would probably try to eat Mira, then Mira would bonk Lyra on the head then do the same but succeed.
Mira's a lot stronger despite how meek she might be and tends to eat monsters whole.

Anonymoose · 8mo

What's something Lyra hate?

People who litter on the beach or in the ocean.
If she sees you do it she'll immediately gulp you down

Anonymoose · 8mo

What if someone got on Mira while she was a sleep?

Anonymoose · 8mo

What if someone got on Lyra while she was a sleep?

As long as they don't bother her to much she won't mind and still stay asleep. You could probably sleep on her belly or boobs if your lucky

Anonymoose · 8mo

What does Lyra do when she's not on the hunt?

She's likes to show off in the ocean to people by jumping out of the water.
She'll also fall asleep on the beach. She loves the feeling of warm/hot sand

Anonymoose · 8mo

What if I got in Lyra's mouth? What then?

Anonymoose · 9mo

Can Sera ride a bike?

Anonymoose · 1y

Flair turning suddenly and excitedly because someone mentioned a treasure chest (they were talking about her boobs)

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