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Anonymous · 2y

Who are your FFXIV OCs? Of do you only have the Au Ra?

I have a squad of idiots actually.
Besides Gan, Alma and Zol (all three are au ra), I have a Viera dude and a femroe!

Femroe is named Styredza, she's a daughter of a famous pirate who... was honestly too lazy to continue her dad's legacy and was kicked out by her own crew. After drowning her dad's ship with crew barely surviving, she's now aimlessly wandering Eorzea and looking for adventure gigs to pay bills. Despite being a lazy hot head she's a very talented arcanist and mathematician that knows some strategy, but is still too stubborn to apply herself properly

My Viera dude is a garlean ex performer, Elisey, whose troupe got disbanded after one of the Varis' propaganda laws. Elisey himself got dragged into military service. He hates it and half asses it most of the time. He had attempted deserting a few times and has a huge passion for writing and acting. From Stormblood to Endwalker he was working on a memoir

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