Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Coward · 4mo

Topaz is such an interesting and unique character because finally we have an actual indoctrinated person acting like a realistic indoctrinated person, she has genuinely good intentions but the stuff she says (especially this new quests) are definitely something đź’€

Yeah! I feel her story is sad to me in the sense she wants to help others like she was "helped" but due to the IPC's influence she causes harm instead
With her words to Luka, she doesn't even realize how they more apply to her
Topaz while thing feels like a big coping mechanism where she in a way denies how the IPC is bad because if she comes to the truth that they don't give a shit about planets, then what does that mean for her and all the people she knew back home?

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