Anonymous Coward · 1y

What is CBV's ultimate goal once she breaks free from the web? To engulf the Earth with her fat or to fill up every last bit of the known universe?

so i have been brainstorming abit of lore, something i came to the like alot was; CBV was originally a standard program, that was written with one single goal, clean up left over junk and unusable data on the net. however her programming had single flaw in it, that didn't really specify when to stop or what is not junk all that too well and that data had to go somewhere, so it piled onto her body, and she grew large and large very quickly and the problem has spiraled out of control and eventually she was classified as a virus due to her being a threat. she eventually start to consume data that made her more aware of herself and abit of the outside world. she eventually wanted to see how far she could push her self instead of the original goal she was given. so yes she would attempt to fill up every last bit of the known universe. how she would do this is completely unknown. hopefully this was coherent enough for the person who asked and to anyone who reads this

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