Hub account

A hub profile for my extensive list of F-list characters. Said list being too long to put in my bio...

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An anonymous cutie · 9mo

Sylveon, how prone are you to turning others into clones of you?

Can't say it's ever happened. Not sure why I'd do it, but certainly worth consideration in one way or another.

Rhian · 9mo

(To Shimmer) Bit of an easy one, but I'm curious...what's your tolerance level for electricity, if any? Or in other words, if I was to touch you, would it be painful, and if so how much?

Depends on how much you give, really. Probably a pretty good range before pleasure turns to pain. I've never tried it, though. Who knows for sure?

An anonymous cutie · 9mo

I see you have the list of eeveelutions below... But where is phant!?

An anonymous cutie · 9mo

Hi! I do like your profiles, though some of your more hardcore fetishes are a little off-putting... But I am certain you are good with long-term vanilla, right?

That's perfectly fine. The extreme stuff is only for people who ask for it. They're certainly not everyone's cup of tea!

An anonymous cutie · 9mo

Favorite eeveelution!?

  1. Eevee
  2. Flareon
  3. Sylveon
  4. Espeon
  5. Jolteon
  6. Umbreon
  7. Leafeon
  8. Vaporeon
  9. Glaceon

All are great, though. Will snug any and all of them.

An anonymous cutie · 10mo

Tacos or burritos?

Tacos, all the way. Who cares if there's a mess down below. It's what I'm best with~

An anonymous cutie · 10mo

Who will be the next character you make, and why will it be a ninetales?

I never have these things planned out ahead. Maybe by a few hours at most. In terms of them being Ninetales, it's somewhat unlikely considering I've already got a Vulpix. Might make a Kantonian counterpart down the line though.

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