Inquisitive Thinker · 15d

One might argue my presence here is audacious, for I admit, we share no acquaintance on neither platforms; here, nor X. Yet, something undeniable draws me to you. Perhaps it was the way you string your responses here so politely, or maybe there are other things I can't quite pinpoint yet. Speaking of, I noticed you read Percy Jackson. Those were the best times, weren't they? I grew up reading the book, too (and perhaps battling imaginary foes in the living room afterwards). Now, I'm curious, Wayne. If you were to step into the world of Percy Jackson, which character would you most likely be?

I see. I don't perceive your presence as audacious, though. In fact, I find it very heartwarming; to know that you actually find me intriguing enough for you to take the time to get to know me, even if it's through a simple scroll down my Retrospring or my X. Anyhow, yes, I did read Percy Jackson during my younger days. I must admit, it was a fun time. I would be lying if I say that I didn't wait for some kind of sign that I was in fact, a Demi-God. Ah, the million dollar question. As much as I would like to say that I'm Luke Castellan, I'm more of a Will Solace or Ethan Nakamura type of guy. How about you, mystery friend?

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