Inquisitive Thinker · 15d

Ethan Nakamura? Fascinatingly tragic. He's a special one regardless. Would have been great as one of the seven to explore his redemption. As for me, I value peace above all else, so a relatively quieter life resonates more. For that very reason, I'd say Warren. On a completely different note, it was incredibly rude of me not to greet you properly. Good day, Wayne. Found your presence on Retrospring, managed to take a quick peek of your X. I haven't been able to dim my curiosity ever since. Mind if I keep you company for a bit? A pen pal, if you will? :)

Right? Two completely different choices, but great ones regardless if I do say so myself. Nah, it ain't rude, alas, good day to you as well. Is that so? Well, the idea of having a pen pal interests me, definitely. Please keep me company. I promise to return the favor. ;)

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