Inquisitive Thinker · 15d

Oh, a chocolate lover. Perhaps I can tempt you with a treat, too, sometime in the future? Glad to hear you're staying on top of your health. Eat regular meals and get plenty of rest when needed, alright, lovely one? Now that you've mentioned reading, my curiosity in you has been piqued once more. I'm a reader myself. But quite the opposite of you, I've been gradually parting with my collections lately. Not because I don't read anymore, but because most of it have gotten a bit, well, seasoned over time. Barely feel the touch of my fingers. So I'm giving them away to new homes. Speaking of reading, what types of books do you most enjoy, Wayne? Or maybe, you have specific authors that you like?

If it's dark chocolate that you are offering then I will gladly accept your kind gesture. And you should too, little charmer. Ah, I see. Well I supposed you have made great memories with them, it is time for your books to find a new reader to explore the wonders that they offer. Honestly, I like fictions and books that forces me to think and reflect. No favorite authors in mind, unfortunately. Truth be told, the books I'm currently reading are mostly textbooks. So I don't think that is something that one would enjoy reading on a normal day.

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