Stormsinger Studios
Santa Lucia
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Anonymous · 3d

I feel like someone has asked this, but what are the casts' (main and side) favourite colours?

Anonymous · 7d

Is there a Bad Dragon equivalent in Santa Lucia

I'm sure there would be, probably plenty fantasy content to pull from like us. All the characters have human genitalia, so everything else is the realm of imagination.

Anonymous · 7d

While waiting for Homecoming got an update. I wanted to try "No More Future" from you guys too. Can i ask which character is finish so i can play their route first?

Hey! No More Future is actually done by Sedge, who isn't a part of StormSinger. It doesn't have any routes, but it's a really good time and I highly recommend playing through it!

Anonymous · 12d

Which of the three routes is most fun to write for and which is worst one to write for?

Dev: I enjoy writing all of them equally, haven't really hated working on one yet.
Dzahn: Carlos' is the most enjoyable, but also the one I dread the most.

Anonymous · 15d

Is Shay officially part of the main cast? She has alot of screentime if she's just a side character.

She's part of the main cast! At first she was more of a side character, but she got elevated to main cast early on.

YuriWolf94 · 22d

What are the pet peeves of the Santa Lucia side characters (Blake, Niall, Sierra, etc.)? "Pet peeves" has the same definition as Anon's - very minor things that don't bother anyone else.

YuriWolf94 · 22d

Building on Anon's question "If the 2020 pandemic was real in Santa Lucia since the freshmen are expected to graduate in 2022, what do you think the characters would be doing during quarantine", what would the side characters (Kane, Addy, Sam, etc.) be doing while quarantining during a global pandemic?

Anonymous · 22d

Favorite Manga/Anime of the Characters?
(Ben, Zach, Nate, Bryan, Carlos, Russell, Shay, Chris, Kane, and Kai)

Anonymous · 24d

i find it relatable that Carlos discovered a new hobby (art) in university. I used to lament it was 'too late' for me to draw until i saw Carlos's route, where like him i got into art in college too! I had those same thoughts of Carlos earlier bemoaning art supply costs, of why would such a class needed to be taken since he's going to law, etc. Ironically, doing art on the side improved my grades, i guess i was so tense like him lol.

I also used to feel that way! I started drawing when I was 17, and took drawing somewhat seriously once I got to university. I tried joining a popular art school in France but I did not meet anywhere close to the required level, which made me believe I had started art too late.
And yet... I met my husband (and my closest friends) working as the artist on both Homecoming and Santa Lucia, and now, at 29, I couldn't imagine ever it being too late to pick up a new skill.
It's never too late, something Carlos also found out.

Anonymous · 1mo

Pet peeves of the chars? (my definition is extremely minor things that no one else is bothered by)

Anonymous · 1mo

If the 2020 pandemic was real in Santa Lucia since the freshmen are expected to graduate in 2022, what do you think the characters would be doing during quarantine?

Oh, that's a tough one.
Zach and Carlos would just stay home and do what they usually do, focusing on their hobbies.
Nate could last a good while reading books and watching movies but he'd need to call up friends quite often.
Chris would spend the majority of his time on his computer and pestering his mentees to make sure they're okay.
Russell would watch anime 24/7 while texting Ben or Zach all day long.
Ben, Bryan, Karina and Shay would most likely go stir crazy and need some social interactions at different rates and for different reasons... but they probably would fare the least well.

Anonymous · 1mo

What would everyone dress up as for Halloween? Would they go for something obvious to their personality or something we would never expect them to wear?

Hmm, that's actually something I can't quite answer just yet since everyone will have a Halloween outfit in the game and I want to keep those a surprise... but I've shown a few outfits the characters have worn as kids in short stories and art I've made:
Carlos wore an Iron Man costume made by his sisters while his twin wore a cheap mummy costume he slapped together.
Chris wore a witch/vampire costume (he got excited and merged both together)
Ben dressed up as a mad scientist as a kid.

Anonymous · 2mo

Another Santa Lucia question, I like Chris and Russell and their friendship but I do feel at times it took bit extra space in act 2 and or act 3(very touching moment FYI). I was hoping to get more days with current love interest before the final act hits and Ben and the crew and they gotta go whacky adventures to save the college campus/town. Maybe with re-write can help extend/elongate the days that Ben has with his current love interest. Just me spitting out my thoughts and questions

We can't say for sure if we'll add days for individual routes (the schedule is pretty packed as is), but it'd be an interesting thing to work on. There will be additional unique scenes with the love interests in the final act too to tie a nice bow on everything!

Anonymous · 2mo

What are the characters hobbies?

Anonymous · 2mo

When will Tora's route be completed? I played until the 15th and was very curious about the remaining half way, and will other characters' sprites be completed, along with adding more emotes for characters with playable routes? And thank you for your efforts in reviving Morenatsu with Homecoming, I love it.

I hope sooner rather than later... but he'll definitely be the last main character to get a route, hehe.
I'm currently working on more sprites, and will eventually had more expressions down the line.
Thank you for enjoying the game, we're trying our best hehe

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