Storytime Big Bang
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Curious Constellation · 11mo

I know you have a whole doc for your schedule, but I think it would be nice if you have a separate channel in the discord server that includes the schedule for easy find!

Curious Constellation · 11mo

Hello... Can I still edit the form again? My twitter acc got locked and i'm still waiting for twitter to fix it :( should I edit my form or should I just wait for the discord invitation?

Let's coordinate on Discord (ayeowg#5308). Message me there and I will send you the invite!

Curious Constellation · 11mo

hi!!! i just found out that orv BB was a thing like 5 minutes ago and I am SUPER later to this and it's very irresponsible of me/asking too much of you guys for me to ask this but is there a way i can still apply as apps closed only 6 hours ago? its okay if not but I couldn't let it go without at least asking for once ^__^

thank you so much for hosting this nevertheless!

Hello! I have gained permission from Harp to inform you that you can still apply. One thing to note, we are opening the gforms just for you, so it will be helpful if you can contact me through discord (ayeowg#5308). We can coordinate there.

Curious Constellation · 11mo

Hiiiii >< it’s me again, the person who needed to contact a mod regarding my discord username change aahh,, I tried to friend request Harp using lovelyharp, then lovelyharp#0, then lovelyharp#0000 but unfortunately, discord rejected all of those options—Does Harp’s username have a different numbered tag that I’m missing? Thank you again!

Due to Discord’s changes with the dc id and user, you can’t view harp by typing any of those. Instead, try typing “LovelyHarp” and it will appear! Feel free to ask once more if the suggested name didn’t work.

Curious Constellation · 11mo

How can I check If I already signed up or not? I kind of forgot if it did TT

If you have twitter, kindly send a dm and we can coordinate with you there. But if you don’t, then reach out through discord (send a message to: ayeowg#5308).

Curious Constellation · 11mo

If an artist does a comic, how does that line up with the tiers? Is there a certain length per tier?

Most likely, a comic page as one finalized piece and multi pages as additional pieces to the tier (if it is in a traditional comic strip format).

Curious Constellation · 11mo

Can a writer and artist apply together and plan to work together before the match ups?

Yes! A writer and artist can apply and collaborate beforehand. Although, do make sure to contact any head or management mod about your ideas, we want communication to happen between both parties, it is also to avoid any uncertainty.

Click the link for the info sheet (to know how to contact the mods):

Curious Constellation · 11mo

Hello, I’m so terribly sorry but I don’t have a Twitter nor Tumblr account, but I need to get in touch with a mod about my discord username change...How do I do this please? Is there an email address I can send an email to regarding my form? I believe I submitted before the mods added the editing feature, so I unfortunately can’t edit anything either 😔😭

Worry not; go ahead and contact our mod, Harp, through Discord. Send a friend request to lovelyharp, they'll be happy to help you out!

Curious Constellation · 11mo

hi i kinda forgot if i did apply cause i was gonna change my discord username but when i opened the forms again it doesn't say edit my response, instead it's an empty form like i haven't answered it yet 😭 so im confused if i did apply already or i haven't yet

I'm so sorry! If you submitted the prior to us adding editing capabilities, you can't make changes to that form. Go ahead and contact a mod on our Twitter or Tumblr; and we can help you out with that ASAP!

Curious Constellation · 11mo

Thanks for allowing edits to the form! But now I have a potentially dumb follow-up question: how do we access a form we've already submitted in order to edit it? I can't seem to find an email confirmation for mine...

If you submitted the form prior to us adding the editing feature. You probably didn't receive an email. However, if you contact a mod, we would be happy to help you change your answers on the form!

Curious Constellation · 11mo

this might be a dumb question but how do writers pitch their fics? Do they give a condensed summary of the fic's general direction, a summary of the plot or have to show the first chapter?

Not a dumb question at all! If it is a WIP and you only have an outline/general idea of your fic; that's your pitch! If you make sure it's clear what your plot is going for, we will be happy to hear that pitch from you!

Curious Constellation · 11mo

hi is there a way to check if ive submitted the form or not? im starting to have doubts as to whether ive submitted and i cant remember exactly ooba

Contact a mod and we can check for you! We have a Tumblr and Twitter, just tell DM us what's going on along with your handle and we can look through the submissions to check for you.

Curious Constellation · 11mo

hi there! i was wondering,, can a previously published ficlet of around 2k on AO3 be considered for the pitch and then become the main idea to be expanded on in this Big Bang event? i published a ficlet that briefly explored kdj and od's complexities reconciliation/forgiveness through their shared love for stories and the act of telling people about their favourite stories as a way to bridge the gap between them... would this work?

link to ficlet:

It’s fine if you're not just republishing a fic you've already written but instead using it for an idea. Although the pitch itself will have to be its own, shorter thing (keep it concise).

Curious Constellation · 11mo

Hello, I wanted to ask if the posting of the fanfics and fanarts are in a collection in ao3 for better organization and easier to access/find.

Curious Constellation · 12mo

if more complex mediums such as games, songs, etc are allowed, how do we pitch them?

Hello! Tell us what it's based on and give us the plot line you are thinking of :). This will help us figure out the best medium to use for your pitch.

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