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Anonymous Coward · 1y

when you need your teeth cleaned do you go to a rodentist

Congratulations, you now have me considering orthrodentics and the thought of needing braces on rodent buck teeth has me too terrified to formulate a response.

Anonymous Coward · 1y

Thoughts on vacations: Do you prefer theme parks, built up cities, tourist traps and such or calmer more relaxed escape to nature, camping and hiking kinds of things?

I'm cottagecore as heck. Give me a quaint little mountain or seaside town or something like that and I'll be pleased as punch, especially if there's ready access to nature.

I am absolutely not one for cities, though.

Anonymous Coward · 1y

If you had to travel a long distance would you rather fly or drive it (assuming both are an option)?

Anonymous Coward · 1y

Your go to "today SUCKED and i need to unwind" activity?

The sad thing is, I don't really have one. I try to just vibe and do things with my friends if I can; getting that sort of fond social energy does wonders for me.

Generally, if I'm not in a good state of mind, I try and do something that I'm not doing alone.

Anonymous Coward · 1y

Do it. Buy a toy. A fleshlight is discrete and a fun time for all! But mostly you.

Anonymous Coward · 1y

How does a magic rat man become the base commander of a unit of plane enthusiasts and degenerates?

Out-of-universe: It was kind of an accident. I had the whole 'base commander' in the coat and the helmet and all that and at some point- I want to say it was the picture of looking up at the stars in an X-29's cockpit?- I just doodled up a rat alt so I could post it in my FA gallery. This process repeated several times until I decided I liked the look enough to just give the coat and such to Syd and ruled that they were, in fact, the same person all along. Somehow.

In-universe: probably because he was the only person stupid enough to take a crack at it.

Anonymous Coward · 1y

Got any playlists you like to listen to? Music to rat to.

I've got a few tracks I keep returning to. Weirdly enough there's this old extended dance version of Peter Gabriel's "Sledgehammer" that tends to help me focus on my artwork when all else fails. Obviously I'm a big fan of the FFXIV and Ace Combat series' OSTs, too.

But I sometimes just go to whatever jazz streaming channels I can find on Youtube and go with those. Less fond of lo-fi, though.

Anonymous Coward · 1y

is it better to cradle rat like baby, or hold rat like cheeseburger

Anonymous Coward · 1y

ASMR: Local six foot rodent types on keyboard, creaks his chair, clatters his teacup against the desk.

Don't forget more awkward pauses, 'um's, and 'y'know's than a Jeff Kaplan developer update.

Anonymous Coward · 2y

Not the guy who asked the ASMR question but low quality mic ASMR is the most soulful ASMR.

ASMR: Local six foot rodent types on keyboard, creaks his chair, clatters his teacup against the desk.

Anonymous Coward · 2y

You own any toys?

They're COLLECTIBLE FIGURINES, anonymous. Collective. Figurines.

But assuming you mean the more grown-up kind of toy, nah. I keep considering it but end up chickening out by the end.

Anonymous Coward · 2y

The best part of morbier cheese is when it goes "IT'S MORBIN' TIME".

Real talk though, it has a strong smell. Some people might find it offputting. But I promise you, it's sharp and creamy and delicious.

Also the big streak through it is ash, not mold, in case that's something that'd be a dealbreaker.

Anonymous Coward · 2y

This is going to sound weird but ever think of doing ASMR? Your voice is calming as hell man

Anonymous Coward · 2y

Ever think of drawing a humanized version of Syd?

(Preferably with the rat ears and tail remaining present)

Anonymous Coward · 2y

a paramecium

More of a Tardigrade man myself. Or, oh man, ever seen Volvox? those things are nuuuuts.

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