Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anon · 1mo

hopefully this won't come across too. Weird, but would you ever do anything relating to uh. pee in the future. Not me shaking the bars of my cage-

Lol i got asked that many times - especially after the short skottie in cage era. That summoned all the pee enthusiasts. I would probably not do anything with actual pee since I don't like any of the "stankkyyyyy" bodily fluids. But the concept around it is amazing since I already adore sounding and bladder play - injecting other fluids in there through the willy hole, mostly water - I suppose it's technically a non-gross piss kink. I love that one so much yet there is barely any content relating to it out there. I have to dig through all the depts of the internet to find "piss kink without the actual pee". But I suppose it is quite different from it since the main point of it would be the act of injecting the fluid IN, and with the real deal piss kink the main point is fluids going OUT. But yeah oversharing time lol - I wonder if anyone else reading this even knows about bladder play? It's kinda niche

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