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Kingston Fan · 14d

Hmm... I dunno, how about vector transforming into toadsworth cuz old men or maybe an elderly butler man cuz the way you draw old men are cool

Hwahah! ... I'unno if I'll draw it, but I do appreciate a good compliment.... Old Men are cute, being able to draw 'em cute, is what it's about, right right?

Kingston Fan · 2mo

Heya, are you on any sites other than twitter? It's a bit precarious lately so it'd be cool to follow you somewhere else just in case it gets nuked one of these days lol

I have an AD tumblr with the same handle as my AD twitter which I'm using a big art storage, so you'd see all the same art there unless it has like, cock and Balls, which admittedly I don't draw THAT much, I think. But it's mostly just a queue full of art, no real posting going on unless this place exploded. I've considered bluesky but I guess I'm not goin' there until everyone I know is there, eh?

Kingston Fan · 2mo

What are some tf-tropes you will never draw?

Huh... that's a toughie. I feel like I've drawn all sorts of things, right? I'm always open minded, it's hard for me to think of any that I'd say no to... I think?

Kingston Fan · 2mo

Best sort of like.. accessory to tf with? Like collars, earrings, the like

I love a nose ring for this stuff! Or collar.... so those would be up top! But I like all sorts, I specifically love putting on a character's accessory to turn into 'em! Ohhh that's good!! Fashion makes for the best change of form!!

Kingston Fan · 2mo

Favorite job for a TF result? e.g. ending up as a construction worker, librarian, wrestler, etc.?

Ohhhhh!!! That's a tough one! I always draw firefighters cuz I like the uniform... but I think a fat cat CEO is a good look too!!! Very fun corruption feel! ... Construction workers are also up there, 'course, oh and mechanics!!!!

Kingston Fan · 2mo

I adore that 'regular but gross guy's you drew farting once, it'd be a shame if he turned you just... Like... Him...

Gwahah. I'm not drawing him again because he was just a lazy whatever doodle, I know he did numbers for fartfurs though! ... But I will give marks for the framing, that's the kinda way to lead me to something when I'm fired up!

Kingston Fan · 2mo

what fighting games do you play!! wonder which of 'em could get me stuck as your clone

Gweheheh... there's the problem that, I own a whooooooooooole lot of them! But I can always post a snapshot of the idea! So, it's not hard to see why it might be a lil easy!

Kingston Fan · 3mo

if you were turned into a giant you-shaped loaf of bread what kind of bread would you be

Kingston Fan · 3mo

If you were turned into a book, what kind would you be?

I wanna say reading all my thoughts and useless nerd trivia in disorganized chapters and thick, long, rambling paragraphs of text would be SO cute,

but I feel like it might end up more like a picture book. With diagrams of what I'm talking about. Or, what my text... is talking about!

Kingston Fan · 3mo

do you like weird vore?

Vague, but yes! Nasal vore, uh, unbirth, uh, probably zanier stuff you could come up with tbh

Kingston Fan · 3mo

You've pretty much singlehandedly convinced me to give my sona heterochromia xD but are you okay with other people copying the "heterochromia stays throughout character tfs" idea or would you prefer to keep that to yourself?

Oh go wild, I'm not gonna copyright any ideas! I think it's cute to take the eye idea, if anything! Have fun with it!

Kingston Fan · 3mo

Seeing glasses on Kingston makes me want to try them on and end up becoming Kingston >3>

Kingston Fan · 3mo

Garu Kyuranger💭

Kingston Fan · 3mo

any other pride tfs?

I don't think I did any. Hard topic to figure, eh? Maybe during The Month I'll figure more out. Hue

Kingston Fan · 3mo

Kingston eyes… but it’s on a robot

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