Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

A nice Anonymous follower · 1y

How did you first realize you were into inflation?

Well people sit down around the campfire and listen closely
It all started with a young TePeS being into massive badonkadonkers, like truly huge jugs, like amazingly big honkaronkas
which lead TePeS to uncover whats called "breast expansion", but the story doesnt end here!
I would often stumble upon breast inflation and general inflation stuff, always thinking "thats fucking stupid who the fuck would jack off to this lmao" (foreshadowing)
after time i started realizing that the part of BE i like is the struggle, the irritation of suddenly having heavy badonkadonkers that not only make it hard for you to move, but also may provide with some unwanted pleasure, but its mainly the "make it hard for you to move" part i liked, like suddenly getting so huge breasts youre immobilized was amazing for me.
And then i slowly started to be more and more into inflation
and now i'm a inflation artist
Thats all!

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