A Scaredy Cat · 9mo

Hi.. how have you been? It's been a long time since the last time I talked to you. I hope you're doing well, I hope you will overcome whatever you're going through right now, and I hope God will give you the strength to go through all of your hard days. Please be happy and don't forget to smile widely today! I hope you know that someone here cherish your existence a lot, in a platonic way, if that make sense. Like, in a “I hope you’ll be happy since we can't talk to each other anymore now, but I always pray for your happiness” way?

Hello to whomever you are behind this question (I’m kinda clueless who you are but I don’t mind). Do not worry too much because I’m always doing well. My story changes and I learn from my losses. I also celebrate my wins, but I don’t dwell too long on them. Thank you so much for those kind words that you wrote here. I hope the same thing goes for you as well.

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