Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Cafe Patreon · 3mo

If you had 3 wishes, what would they be?

Oh easy.
If it's monkey's paw rules:
1. I wish for my wishes to be granted in the most beneficial ways to me, without altering my life in too meaninful of ways or negatively effecting me in any crazy ways.
2. Give me the ability to shapeshift but no one notices when I shapeshift and no one comments on my appearance ever again unless I call attention to it.
3. Give me a notebook that makes whoever's name I write in it do what I want for a day.

If there's no monkey's paw rules the first one is either 'give me 10 million dollars through an entirely ethical means' or 'people can have whatever body type they want but cannot physically assault each other anymore'

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