
TheSwingbyJeanHonoreFragonard on AO3

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Art Appreciator · 4d

are you ever gonna write about skz again on ao3?

hmmmmmmm i don't think so. i haven't REALLY been into them in a while. nothing against them. i still follow their music and some of their youtube content. but as far as fic goes, i don't have much of an interest. and the fandom's left a sour taste in my mouth, which is why i have not written anything for them in a while.

Art Appreciator · 5d

How many wips do you actually have? How do you manage jumping from one to the other? It's cool!

good lord.... ummm... at the moment, i have about.... uuhhhhh.... eight wip documents open, all of the fics are in varying stages of completion, ranging from entire scenes to just an introductory sentence.

it's not necessarily the jumping from one to another that's difficult for me. it's more the sheer volume of things i want to write far outclassing my creative drive. hahaha i'm glad you think it's cool, though! it can be frustrating at times, especially when the IDEAS are there but the WORDS are not.

Art Appreciator · 6d

What scenarios or headcannons are tumbling around your brain these days

Sruh · 6d

We are one month and some days away from seeing each other irl. I'm so excited

Art Appreciator · 9d

what's your favorite word

Art Appreciator · 13d

What are some of your all time favorite ships? Doesn't matter what group or media.

Art Appreciator · 17d

curious about YOUR ranking of evnne's butts

Art Appreciator · 20d

Sorry to disappoint you but jaehyun loves people a lot and is very affectionate to all his friends . He’s very close and cute with hanbin now but its literally nothing compared to how he is with his members lmaoo. Like bro is just a happy loving dude and looks at ppl like he is in love with them . ( seriously tho i saw some of his fansign vids and yeah idk how his fans arent delulu)

Art Appreciator · 21d

The funny thing about the jaehyun hanbin thing is that you can sometimes see jaehyun trying to one up the zb1 members when it comes to hanbin,like every time they're all tgt he has to let it known that he know his hanbin hyung as much as them

you're on to something!!! he's definitely trying to at least come in second place in the He's Mine Too! Competition

Art Appreciator · 22d

do you think bnd jaehyun has a crush on hanbin... do you think he Knows that he has a crush on hanbin?

oooohhhhh. i think he's very much aware NOW but, back when they first started working together, he wasn't cognizant at all. he probably had awareness of the signs (giggly, uptick in heartrate, wanting to be physically close to him) but he probably didn't even think that calling it a "crush" was an option. putting my tinhat on, he certainly saw hao and hanbin interact a lot and then had a lightbulb moment where things clicked for him. (have you seen this boy fall over laughing, even when hanbin's not even trying to be funny?? STAND UP!)

Art Appreciator · 24d

what is the latest combination of boys that has been going through your mind?

Art Appreciator · 24d

Any wips or ideas you're really excited about??

Art Appreciator · 30d

heeey, just read your read at the beach series, even though im not fan of the pairing, i really enjoyed each part, i think you do a great as a writer and i wanted to let you know, please don't give up on writing, you have talent. i was also wondering if you're going to write another part or maybe some spin off with wook's friends, it would be really interesting and i'd be seated lol

Art Appreciator · 1mo

i'm sorry for asking but are you really gonna change the characters for collateral damage? i loved it so much, it's still my favourite seungso story even though it's been gone for months...

Art Appreciator · 1mo

the bracelets you are making are really pretty

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