
A content creator aiming to have fun and make it big.

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I'll answer any question with a thought out answer, I promise. If you ask one of my OC's a question they will answer.


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Anonymous being · 4mo

How big are you looking to get?

Eccentric_Entity · 6mo

What are your favorite Yu-Gi-Oh archetypes?

That's a hard one I like a lot but I have to say the frightfur, the marincess, the magician girl, and the fairy tail are my favorites.

Anonymous being · 7mo

When did you discover you like what you like and when where the first signs?

Asuming this means fetishes so here are the ones I know of for myself,
Fat/WG: When I was 10 I realized, though the earliest sign I can think of was when I was 4-5.
Inflation: Around the same time as fat/wg altho no real possible signs.
Pregnancy: I like it a bit so when I was 17, no earlier sig- earliest sign at 12.
Vore: When I was 11, no earlier signs.
Non-fatal/revival popping/bursting: When I was 8, I really enjoyed this comic dub on youtube.
That's all I can think of for now, if you think of any others feel free to ask about them.

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