The Oracle
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zines, arts, culture, and beyond


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Anonymous Seers · 2y

How is the artist of the month run/entails

Hello there. "Artist of the Month" is a monthly spotlight promoting and supporting artists of all kinds. Spotlights will be posted around the 15th of every month, time permitting. You may submit yourself or other artists you enjoy to be featured. If submitting yourself, we may ask to interview you on your craft. Hope this helps!

Anonymous Seers · 2y

so is this a zine orrrrr?

Hello there. The Oracle is a nonprofit, independent online editorial focused on promoting and uplifting artists and creatives alike. Since we are self-published and non-commercial, our editorial falls under the "zine" term. We are not a physical product nor are we bound by one topic/fandom. Hope this helps!

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