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Anonymous Coward · 20h

opinions on tribal hunter?

Fun game but I got like two gripes; 1. I understand the creator likes men but I wish the enemy roster was a bit more diverse gender wise 2. Air control is kinda not the best

Anonymous Coward · 20h

how do you feel about slimes

Anonymous Coward · 20h

Everybody is asking about pokemon, but what about digimon?
Do you have a favorite?
Are there any you'd like to blow up?
Or is it a strange and distant franchise you've never delved into?

I do enjoy digimon! It’s just I enjoy them on different brain frequencies. Watched the animes, enjoyed some designs but I still think I gotta get myself more familiar with it before I make any porn of it

Anonymous Coward · 20h

Retrospring questions OVER. We are filling you with cement

Fair enough but I enjoy it. I need a better way to do this without nuking my media tab tho

Anonymous Coward · 1d

hits u with the machine that makes u eat 500 cheeseburgers

Anonymous Coward · 1d

covers u in batter and fries u <3

Anonymous Coward · 1d

my tummy hurts can u rub it

Anonymous Coward · 1d

Opinion on Cave Story?

Anonymous Coward · 2d

water is not wet

Anonymous Coward · 1d

favorite non pokemon character or thing to blow up?

Anonymous Coward · 2d

Favorite pokemon?

Anonymous Coward · 2d

Least favorite pokemon?

I accidentally posted this on another question but it’s gallade. Gallade fucking sucks

Anonymous Coward · 2d

What's your favorite pokemon to inflate? And why?

right now I do want to do something with a fennekin again but I should finish my backlog of pokerounds

Anonymous Coward · 2d

Chillet Blimp or Furret Blimp.
You can only choose one, the other one pops.

This made me think more than I should, they’re the same thing in different wrappers

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