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Anon kitty 🐾 · 3mo

So she had sex with her best friend although she was just pretending and to bring Tae and JK together? I dint understand that at all.

Yes, that's correct. You see, tae and jk liked each other a lot but wouldn't confess to each other bc they weren't that confident about their feelings and about the other having the same feelings too. Ji & Jimin noticed this and thought they need to get some jealous, some angst in their life so they'd realize and act on their feelings. And that happened after Ji volunteered to date Jungkook. She didn't mind being in a romantic relationship with him bc that's how comfortable and close they were with each other and she really wanted to do this for him (and on a relatable level, herself 😋) so that's it! simple as that 🤍

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