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Anonymous Coward Β· 7mo

Minkuina surprise bomb πŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯ between the 2 of them, do you think/hc that
A. Minku was taller and Kuina only shot past her when they got older
B. Kuina was always taller
C. They were always the same height but then Kuina got ideas about reaching for the top shelf

I choose the letter A!!! I think its a funny thought that Minku was the one who is taller than Kuina because she was born first before her but then throughout the years, Kuina's height manages to catch up to her same height and got past her LMAO. it's a funny idea too that people who are the youngest will become one of the tallest one in the group when they grow older. (i just learned that people who have a flexible body are mostly short when they grow up LOL i think its funny to add it here since Minku is mostly the most flexible one between them while Kuina is literally the one who's hitting the seigfeld gyms)

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