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Nameless · 30d

bucin mulu, kalo putus jangan nangis ya. 😂

Nameless · 2mo

Hara~ how would it feel if i kiss you deep just like lumine on your ava~

Nameless · 3mo

if you could pick one out of Doraemon's pocket, what would you choose? ✨

Nameless · 3mo

Ini penolakan secara halus ya...

NGGAK GITU, MAAF MAAF MAAF. On a serious note, I do not have any particular someone nor setting my eyes on anyone right now.

Nameless · 5mo

Jangan tidur malem-malem dulu kol. Nanti lama beres bersinnya.

ruel. · 6mo

ren udah mam belum

Udah. Hari ini makan cumi item sisaan kemarin tapi untungnya masih enak. Haru udah mam belum?

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