Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

bree✨ · 10mo

Please answer the following with the Most Likely FE3H characters to:

Run a successful donut-on-a-stick food truck business after everyone told them that it was a stupid idea.

Get stuck as the Forever DM of their game nights.

Get banned from an IHOP for forcing everyone to order a pancake stack with their meal and craft a pancake tower at 3am.

Eat onions like how a normal person would eat an apple.

Change their name on their friend's phone to "Mom" to see how long it plays out until they catch on, and end up having some really deep existential conversations.

Mention they like turtles one time and then end up with an unintentional collection of random turtle-themed shit because that's all anyone gave them after that.

Forget to return a library book and then feel progressively more and more guilty about it until they sell it to a used book shop to "destroy the evidence" 4 years later.

Get really into Folktronica and never shut up about it for 4 months straight and then never mention it again.

Since I'm apparently getting graded on these, let me get my serious crayons.

  1. Lysithea. Everyone told her it's a stupid, but through the power of spite and intimidating everyone into buying the donuts, she's making bank.

  2. Sylvain. He doesn't know how it happened. The group he's running doesn't know how it happened, but he's thriving in that chair. And it solves the problem of him trying to seduce the dragon.

  3. A severely sleep deprived Annette. And then she'd avoid that IHOP for the rest of her life. Claude too, but he'd do it for the lulz.

  4. You know I have to answer Dimitri. Also Raphael. He saw Dimitri do it and thought it would help muscle growth.

  5. Dedue and/or Mercedes. Dorothea as a joke that backfires because of the deep conversations.

  6. Hubert. Everything he gets is either coffee, coffee-flavored, or turtles.

  7. Ferdinand. He'd agonize over it after having done so and then would donate the cost of the book and what the calculated the fee for keeping it so long would be. Marianne as well.

  8. I... Let me look up what Folktronica sounds like... Petra would introduce Lorenz to it, and he'd be obnoxious about it, until he'd get Caspar and Ignatz into it as well, before suddenly abandoning it.

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