Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Coward · 3y

obvi it’s all probably a secret you’ll share later BUTTT i wanna ask anyway. what are some upcoming works or ideas you have that you’d like to work on or is it all just fun ideas that pop in your head rn?

Hey, Anon! A lot of it I'm not allowed to talk about since they're for Big Bangs! I'll be posting for the Musical Big Bang this month! I actually have two fics for it since I did a pinch-hit as well. So right now, I can say that the musicals are Grease and Chicago! Both are SakuAtsu and the Chicago fic is omegaverse. After that, I'll be starting work on my SakuAtsu BB fic and coming back to my two ongoing fics. I have other projects lined up, but that's what is coming in the near future!

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