Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Coward · 3y

Hi twila!!!!! I hope ur doing well!!!!! What's your favourite aspect of atsusuna?

Hey, Anon! Just trying to finish up a few things last minute as per usual lmao. Hmm... It's hard to really choose one! But I just love how they complement each other. Both of them are observative, but Suna is quieter about what he notices while Atsumu isn't afraid to voice it. Atsumu would be able to bring him out of his shell more, and I think they'd have a lot to talk about when it's just the two of them. Suna is low key actually the more cocky of the two of them, but you wouldn't think so. And I just /know/ that the little pranks they pull on each other are so stupid. They're both so dumb. Like some of Suna's thought bubbles from the manga?? LMAO. So I guess I just love the dynamic they could have.

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