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Bingus · 5mo

I've struggled to imagine how a Dino theme for the Third feature film could play out. The first two movies have always leaned heavily towards showcasing advanced technology and grand urban settings, with the Paw Patrol being this constant centre of attention in the media and news.
I'm finding a jungle/prehistoric setting for the third movie jarring because there may not be people to save, nor the expansive city environment to play around in and show the pups niches.
I'd love to hear if you had any ideas!

Some interesting observations there, but I'd say
1. A precedent of just two movies doesn't mean we need an urban setting indefinitely
2. There's no reason to think the entire movie will take place on a jungle island. It's a fairly standard dino/monster movie plot (since King Kong at least) to have the first act or two on a mysterious island and then the final act (or two) in the city where the creature(s) can cause mayhem.
I fully expect them to follow the King Kong model - the pups for whatever reason end up going to the Dino Island and meet Rex, some ne'er-do-wells are either already there or follow the pups, and then kidnap dinos to take home like Humdinger has in the show. Then the big climax will be Marshall confronting his worries about always messing up thanks to Rex's kind words and he saves the day and probably learns some leadership skills while he's at it.
Will be kinda fun to see how well this answer holds up in a couple of years.

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