Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Coward · 4mo

Just wanna say at the beginning, your stuff is great, I wanted to say it outside of a comment lmfao. But now what I actually wanted to ask was what kinda got you into making these kinds of edits? Not content I normally find, which is probably why I like it so much, but yeah what kinda gave you the idea?

So this is gonna be a weirdly long answer for this question but here goes. Basically I really like coming up with porn scenarios for characters I like (mainly Persona) but I've always had a terrible attention span when it comes to writing (any of my mutuals I've tried RPing with can tell you that) So these edits were a nice way to do some very short form smut writing (I'd still love to write actual smut fics one day, I just need to lock in for it lol)

Beyond that though I'd seen edits like these, but most of the time I wasn't that big on how they wrote them either because I wasn't into the kinks involved or they just sucked at writing the characters cause imo if you're going to write porn for a character you should try to keep them at least a tiny bit in character cause that's I'm here for porn of a character I like. If I didn't care about that I'd go watch normal porn. So this gave me a chance to make the kinds of porn edits I'd actually like. (That being said I've got a couple of mutuals now who make edits I actually really like and I RT them often)

TL:DR tho is just that it let me write smutty dialogue of these characters I already really loved looking at porn of.

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