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Ambiguous Follower · 13d

How do you go about planning the comic also? Like do you write out each page individually or do you do them in a batch? And when writing a page do you do it panel by panel or do you write all the dialogue first and decide on page layout after?

Ambiguous Follower · 13d

Is Ruby at all aroused by Sofia? First woman to be involved in this whole thing and all

Ruby was far more aroused by genderbent TBNL than she is by Sofia.
Sofia may be a girl, but even if Sofia hadn't massively wronged Ruby and gotten them off on a very bad foot, Sofia wouldn't really be Ruby's type.

Ambiguous Follower · 13d

Will there be any prominent bird characters? I like how you draw them

Ambiguous Follower · 13d

I think you’re cute this is not a question I wanna huggle you

You do realize that using words like 'huggle' out of context just makes you sound immature, right? It's not particularly endearing and a bit childish, and in an adult NSFW space that's just kinda discomforting.

Ambiguous Follower · 13d

When planning the comic, how much do you consider the characters own personality’s and arcs versus your own fetishs and interests? How do you balance the two (what I’m guessing) driving factors behind making the comic?

Generally, when I aim to put fetishes into the comic, I reason out how the characters would likely respond to such. For example, the hypnosis that Inalao used was done with horny purposes, but also done so in such a way to spark development and emotional responses from the characters.
In terms of balance, it's not really difficult at all, it's just a matter of making sure any scenario makes sense and doesn't just happen for no reason. Like any degree of writing, it all flows smoothly when there's reason behind everything.

Ambiguous Follower · 13d

I’m honestly surprised Sofia is so…normal? To being naked around emerald. Same goes for Emerald tbh. Not only that, but straight up watching him do sexual acts. How does she feel about this?

She's used to putting up a mask. Suffice it to say, she's mentally freaking out most of the time.
Emerald, like most of them, is growing slightly more comfortable and casual about nudity and lewdness, so it's not bothering him as much. He's also oblivious to Sofia's crush on him.

Ambiguous Follower · 13d

Can we expect Wes to have any sexy moments soon? I just wanna see him involved somewhat. It’d be cute. Plus his naked design is very cute. Looks very fluffy.

Ambiguous Follower · 13d

Piggybacking my last emerald question, who do you think emerald lost his virginity to? Would it be Leo or Casper? Its questionable again wether Leo would count

Emerald has no real recollection of his time spent as a feral dragon, and since it's a transformation, it's more arguable to have not really been him at all. His first intentional sexual acts were with TBNL.

Ambiguous Follower · 13d

Are you open to feral x anthro stuff?

Ambiguous Follower · 13d

Hey speaking of Inalao is he ever gonna show up again, or is the horny goblin banished to the "be nice" corner.

Whaddon · 13d

Out of the Tower/Leo Gang. Who would be the best martial artist or general fistfighter?

Ambiguous Follower · 13d

just curious what's the likelihood of Leo and the party running across more mind control/hypnosis?

Ambiguous Follower · 13d

Out of the entire Leo crew who would you say has a fetish for, or could at least sexually enjoy, feet.

Leo would be down for basically anything. TBNL and maybe Sofia would step on someone if they asked but probably make fun of them in the process. Caspar would probably kiss someone's feet if they asked and he really liked them, but wouldn't have active interest in it himself compared to just making his partner happy. Wes, Ruby, and Emerald would not want to participate in that fetish (and Ruby would probably be disgusted).

The only character who's actively had a foot fetish in the Leo comics is Inalao, but he's not a part of the main cast.

Ambiguous Follower · 13d

Would you count ruby on the list of people emerald has had sex with? If you consider oral to be sex to begin with

It's questionable, less because it was a blowjob and more because neither of them were in their right state of mind due to Inalao's control. It's arguable that just their bodies had sex when they themselves didn't actually do so. So unless they ever willingly fuck, it'd probably be a yes with an asterisk.

Ambiguous Follower · 13d

Will the Leo gang be staying nude for long while? I kinda hope so. (He’ll just have Leo use the spell he did on TBNL to everyone) just having them be casually nude makes every page more engaging to me

The only nudist in the group is TBNL. While the others may be shown in various degrees of comfort while naked, they will never stay naked for extended periods of time when Leo can summon clothes at any point. Unless they got separated from Leo AND their clothes simultaneously, they'll always be able to get dressed again and will generally prefer to.

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