Stray cat · 1y

I'm sorry, Sir, but I might have developed a crush on you and I feel terribly bad of it GAAAAHH I AM: FRUSTRATED BECAUSE I ADORE YOU SO MUCH BUT IT SEEMS LIKE I CAN'T DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT!! stomps ok pardon me for being crazy in the middle of the night... I hope you have a great day tomorrow! ♡•ᴗ•

Hey there, I deeply apologize for the tardy response! Ah, thanks a lot… I really don’t know what to say except I’m so sorry for you? It must be hard for you to like me, haha… you’ll eventually get over it though. Maaf, I’m really sorry, tapi saya belum bisa reciprocate because I’m emotionally unavailable at the moment.

Nevertheless, I appreciate your kind wishes. May luck be with you in all of your endeavors!

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